Updated on 2024-09-12, viewed 941971 times

Download Tacview

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Before downloading Tacview, please make sure that your system meets the minimum requirements and is up to date. The installation process is straightforward. For additional support please refer to the FAQ and the documentation related to your favorite flight simulator. If you have questions not covered by the documentation, please contact our technical support.

You are looking for the upcoming release and you are a registered user? Feel free to try the latest beta version! Even if beta versions are usually not as stable as the official public releases, they may offer you the new features and improvements you are waiting for!

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  • Release Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2024
  • Operating System: Windows® 32-bit / 64-bit
  • File Size: 937.7 MB

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Have a look at the official and unofficial add-ons; who knows, you may find the pearl which will take your experience with your favorite flight simulator to the next level!

If this is the first time you are trying Tacview, we encourage you to view our demo files. And don't forget to have a look at the documentation; although it's quite boring, you may find interesting ways to improve your debriefings. If you have any suggestions or you find a bug, do not hesitate to contact us.

Release notes


  • ADDED Option to display the event that triggered the playback pause in the 3D view
  • ADDED Support of PilotEyeGaze* properties for professional simulators
  • ADDED ILS telemetry to the charts and from XPlane
  • ADDED DCS: Afghanistan Map
  • ADDED DCS: Kola Map
  • ADDED DCS: F-4E Phantom II advanced telemetry
  • ADDED DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior advanced telemetry
  • ADDED DCS: CH-47F advanced telemetry
  • ADDED option to map routes in the Track Injector Add-on
  • ADDED Various Artillery 3D models to the database
  • ADDED Glideslope to charts
  • ADDED Flight Path (γ) and Track to telemetry export tool
  • ADDED Altimeter setting for most DCS World aircraft
  • ADDED Export of DCS World mission default QNH
  • ADDED Export of local wind velocity for DCS World local aircraft and "WindProbe" tagged objects
  • ADDED a new addon to display regional QNH and detailed wind information at custom probes locations
  • ADDED Support for multiple-day real-life missions to the event log
  • IMPROVED CSV files support
  • IMPROVED Mach speed handling over 80km of altitude
  • IMPROVED Sea vehicles now remain displayed after destruction
  • IMPROVED GPX tracks without altitude can now be imported (at 0 ASL)
  • IMPROVED charts zoom on Y axis
  • IMPROVED Eastern Mediterranean Front theater v3.2.1 for Falcon BMS 4.37.3
  • IMPROVED DCS World Channel, South Atlantic, Normandy, Sinai, and Syria terrain and runways


  • FIXED Stack overflow issue in some Lua addons during extended sessions
  • FIXED Charts with distances on horizontal axis were not working anymore (regression)
  • FIXED RecordingTime property was improperly set during the import of some files
  • FIXED scale of Hawker Hurricane
  • FIXED scale and orientation of C-130 Hercules parachutist object

Previous Improvements

Missed an update? Here is a summary of the previously introduced improvements:

  • 1.9.4: DCS Afghanistan & Kola, EMF for BMS 4.37.3, improved CSV and Mach speed handling, added ILS and glideslope charts.
  • 1.9.3: DCS Sinai Map, UI enhancements, database improvements, many bug fixes.
  • 1.9.2: New cockpit instrument, updates for DCS, X-Plane and BMS, improved CSV file support, RTT fixes.
  • 1.9.1: Improved CSV file support, updated databases, and fixed rare crashes on some AMD GPUs.
  • 1.9.0: Added Falcon 4 real-time telemetry and magnetic north support; improved HUD and 3D rendering quality.
  • 1.8.8: Added maps and aircraft, refined ergonomics, additional customization options, and bug fixes.
  • 1.8.7: Radio ADS-B support, improved terrain resolution, new telemetry tools, new IL2 / DCS / BMS maps
  • 1.8.6: Added support for more file formats, controls position and pilot point of view
  • 1.8.5: Added DCS World Caucasus map, Terrain Downloader add-on, and new option page for DCS Exporter
  • 1.8.4: Added support for Microsoft Flight Simulator, DCS World Syria & Channel, fuel consumption & turn rate tools
  • 1.8.3: Professional tools such as Static Object Injector, Track Injector, and numerous improvements for everyone
  • 1.8.2: Added more tools for professional debriefings, numerous optimizations and fixes for your favorite simulators
  • 1.8.1: Orthographic satellite view, improved ergonomics and numerous fixes for your favorite simulators
  • 1.8.0: New Event Log, numerous improvements for DCS/BMS/IL2/FSX, more debriefing tools and optimizations
  • 1.7.6: Improved support of Tacpack/vACMI/FSX@War (thanks to Asid [D.O.W]), numerous fixes and improvements
  • 1.7.5: New telemetry export tool, numerous SDK improvements, more options
  • 1.7.4: C# SDK for Tacview Enterprise, tools to trim the telemetry, BMS maps from Combat Sim Check-lists
  • 1.7.3: C++ SDK for Tacview Enterprise, numerous fixes and other minor improvements
  • 1.7.2: Lua SDK to create custom add-ons, improved 3D performance, numerous fixes
  • 1.7.1: Numerous fixes and minor improvements
  • 1.7.0: Brand new objects database, numerous new 3D models, media playback
  • 1.6.4: Numerous fixes and improvements
  • 1.6.3: Added cockpit instruments, IL-2, support for custom textures/orthophotos, and improved remote controls
  • 1.6.2: Improved remote controls, improved DCS World exporter, numerous fixes
  • 1.6.1: Fixed online debriefing, added fuel telemetry, and preliminary support of IL-2
  • 1.6.0: Real-time telemetry and instructor remote control
  • 1.5.4: Improvements and fixes for the new DCS World exporter
  • 1.5.3: Brand new exporter for DCS World offering a smoother flight experience and more telemetry data
  • 1.5.2: German translation by Marcus Carra and numerous fixes
  • 1.5.1: Support for X-Plane, rewritten FSX2ACMI, improved ACMI 2.1 format, objects creation and edition tools
  • 1.5.0: New telemetry engine & file format, more accurate replays, Spanish translation by Miguel Víctores Franco
  • 1.4.3: Support for custom terrain textures and static objects KML files
  • 1.4.2: Advanced BMS 4.33 support, 4 hours long trails, new telemetry tools, debug log
  • 1.4.1: Improved online debriefing, Falcon 4.33, DCS World 2.0, and performances with Radeon graphic cards
  • 1.4.0: Online debriefing, Garmin G1000, KML files, DCS World 1.5, bookmarks, improved RTL languages support
  • 1.3.4: DCS World Nevada terrain and Hawk T.1A support, improved 3D labels, objects list, and DTC files support
  • 1.3.3: DCS MiG-15bis, Falcon 4.0 DTC files, fullscreen, telemetry walls, improved declutter
  • 1.3.2: Telemetry in 3D labels, de-clutter, improved auto-scale, support for SRTM1 terrain, bookmarks for MiG-21
  • 1.3.1: DCS World Bf 109K-4, large Falcon 4.0 theaters, FSX2ACMI auto-launch, TrackIR, grey destroyed objects
  • 1.3.0: Strategic view, custom Falcon 4.0 theaters, lift vector, Chinese translation by 张炯 'Billeinstein' & 姚尧 '@6'
  • 1.2.8: FSX & Prepar3D support, Falcon 4 BMS Ikaros theater, Improved DCS World and CSV files support
  • 1.2.7: DCS World MiG-21bis, Fw 190 & F-86F support, improved auto-scale, roll-rate
  • 1.2.6: Distant objects auto-scale, file merge, CSV flight recordings, CSV flight log export, Aspect angle
  • 1.2.5: DCS World Steam edition support, improved advanced telemetry, doubled trail size
  • 1.2.4: Improved DCS World support
  • 1.2.3: DCS World 1.2.3 support
  • 1.2.2: Fixed a crash when opening a file in Windows XP (regression)
  • 1.2.1: Added turn-rate and turn-radius, added 'border' static objects, improved performance
  • 1.2.0: DCS World support, advanced telemetry (radar-locks, IAS, gears, flaps...), improved Falcon 4.0 support
  • 1.1.1: DCS: Black Shark 2 support, Falcon 4 Israel theater
  • 1.1.0: Native Falcon 4.0 support, telemetry data export in CSV, lag filtering, support for Steam versions of DCS
  • 1.0.0: DCS: A-10C Warthog support, improved HUD, G, AOA, Mach, charts, GPX files support, worldwide basemap
  • 0.9.5: Flaming Cliffs 2 support, DCS recordings are about 3 times smaller, customisable recording folder
  • 0.9.4: EECH support, improved file format, improved performance, added Corsica and Nellis terrain
  • 0.9.3: Black-Shark support, ballistic weapons, accurate Lock-On terrain, new labels, sun, uses 40% less memory
  • 0.9.2: Preliminary support for Black-Shark, customizable GUI, improved flight recordings compression, properties
  • 0.9.1: Lock-On runways, public file format, Windows Vista support, Falcon 4.0 theaters, Digital Fighters support
  • 0.9.0: Improved 3D landscape, ribbon trails, SAM/AAA domes, free camera, automatic export script installation
  • 0.8.5: Flight log can now be exported in XML format, vertical speed displayed in m/min or ft/min
  • 0.8.4: Cockpit view, french translation, 3D-view objects selection, static objects, airports names
  • 0.8.3: Added support for Cyrillic, Imperial units and compressed binary files
  • 0.8.2: More accurate and comprehensive events log
  • 0.8.1: Export script is now compatible with other add-ons like LotAtc
  • 0.8.0: Fixed a crash while loading some flight recordings